Service provided by Citadele Group business IPAS “CBL Asset Management”.

Statistics show what great results pillar 2 pension provider CBL Asset Management provides.

While others manage, we grow your pension

years of experience
253 000
895 000 000
EUR in pension savings managed

Figures from 30.06.2024 for pillar 2 and 3 pensions combined.


Find out what your pension savings are

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Investment plan comparison

The image shows the pillar 2 pension plan CBL Index with up to 100% invested in shares.
CBL Indeksu
The image shows the pillar 2 pension plan CBL Sustainable with up to 100% invested in shares.
CBL Ilgtspējīgais
The image shows the pillar 2 pension plan CBL Millennials with up to 75% invested in shares and up to 25% invested in bonds.
CBL Millennials
The image shows the pillar 2 pension plan CBL Active with up to 50% invested in shares and up to 50% invested in bonds.
CBL Aktīvais
The image shows the pillar 2 pension plan CBL Millennials with up to 100% invested in bonds.
CBL Universālais

Questions about pensions?

Apply for a free consultation.


How do I choose or change a pension plan?


Log in to using one of the methods offered.


Open an E-submission to select or change your 2nd pension pillar investment plan.


Choose the CBL plan which best matches your age and needs.

How do I bequeath a 2nd pension pillar?

Ensure that your pension doesn’t just gather dust once you reach pension age, and add a beneficiary.


A second isn’t enough, you need a third!

A 2nd pension pillar alone isn’t enough for you to live like you do now when you retire. The solution: a 3rd pension pillar.


Apply for the advantageous index pension plans

With CBL Indeksu plans, you have the opportunity to save more! Apply for a consultation and we'll sort out the pension issue together.

2nd pension pillar CBL Indeksu plan

• The most profitable 2nd pillar pension plan in Latvia in 2023*.

• The lowest commission fee in Latvia** - 0.08%.

* Source: Period: 31.12.2022. - 31.12.2023.

Service provided by IPAS CBL Asset Management, a Citadele Group business.

3rd pension pillar CBL Indeksu plan

• The most profitable level 3 pension plan at Citadele in 2024.

• Annual commission fee - 0.53%.

The most advantageous level 3 index pension plan in Latvia for investments up to 100 000 EUR and private clients.

Service provided by AS CBL Atklātais Pensiju Fonds, a Citadele Group business.

Latest news (in Latvian)


Pensiju pārvaldīšana nav bez maksas. Cik daudz maksā tu?

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Video: 300 eiro mēnesī. Vai tā varētu būt tava pensija?

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Ar otro nepietiks – vajag trešo

Tā nav zinātne, bet gan vienkārša patiesība – tikai ar uzkrājumu pensiju 2. līmenī nepietiks, lai, aizejot pensijā, dzīvotu kā tagad. Kāds ir risinājums? Vai ir vērts uzkrāt pensiju 3. līmenī?
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More opportunities


3rd pension pillar savings

Set up a regular payment, save time and grow your pension savings without even trying. Service provided by Citadele subsidiary AS CBL Atklātais pensiju fonds.
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Investment funds

One of the most popular financial instruments, which offers the chance to maintain and even grow the value of your savings. Apply for a consultation and achieve your goals. Service provided by Citadele subsidiary CBL Asset Management.
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Accident insurance

Choose accident insurance for yourself and your family and avoid sudden expenses after accidental injuries, disability or even death. Service provided by Citadele subsidiary AAS "CBL Life".
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Accumulative life insurance

Use the opportunity to invest part of the paid insurance premiums and create savings, for example, for children's education. Apply and receive an annual income tax rebate of up to 20 %. Service provided by Citadele subsidiary AAS CBL LIfe.
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Short terms savings

A way of saving for your goals using the benefits of the Krājkonts account and Term Deposits. Apply through the online bank and achieve your dreams.
Learn more