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2nd pension pillar

5% of your pre-tax income is automatically paid into a pension plan. Sort out your pension now, and you’ll never be blindsided!

Historically profitable plans

Choose the most suitable one for your age.

Latvia’s largest investment team

Trust local experts with 25 years’ experience.

Low commission fees

Save more and live better.

Service provided by Citadele Group business IPAS “CBL Asset Management”.

Pension calculator

Monthly wage cannot be lower than 0 Monthly wage cannot exceed 25000
1000 €
25 000 EUR
Age cannot be lower than 18 Age cannot exceed 64
18 years
64 years
CBL Millennials
Calculate in more detail arrow red
264 EUR 2nd pillar monthly pension
53 833 EUR
2nd pension pillar capital
The most age-appropriate pension plan:
CBL Millennials  close

CBL Dzīves cikla plāns Millennials

High return and risk level.

Investment strategy automatically adapts to your age.

Currently investments in shares up to 75%.

Investments also in Latvia.

Suitable for those born between 1980 and 1990.

Predicted monthly pension when you choose CBL Millennials:  close

Among other things, the calculation uses

 - your predicted 1st pillar pension capital,

 - the historic 2nd pillar CBL Dzīves cikla plāns Millennials investment plan profit figures since the plan was created, after commission fees, which are periodically updated.

The result shows the projected pension after taxes.

846.93 EUR
The predicted amounts are for your information only and are in no way guaranteed.
When you choose a different CBL Asset Management private pension, your total predicted pension savings may change.
Historic profits do not guarantee similar profits in the future. When you choose a pension plan from a different pension manager, the overall predicted pension amount may change.
Statistics show what great results pillar 2 pension provider CBL Asset Management provides.

While others manage, we grow your pension

years of experience
253 000
895 000 000
EUR in pension savings managed

Figures from 30.06.2024 for pillar 2 and 3 pensions combined.


Find out what your pension savings are

Find out latvija.gov.lv

Investment plan comparison

18 years 64 years
CBL Indeksu

CBL Indeksu

  • Suitable up to the age of 45.
  • Lowest commission in Latvia and passive management.
  • Potentially high level of profit and risk.
CBL Ilgstpējīgais

CBL Ilgstpējīgais

  • Suitable up to the age of 45.
  • Potentially high level of profit and risk by investing sustainably.
  • Includes investments in Latvia.
CBL Millennials

CBL Millennials

  • Suitable for those born between 1980 and 1990.
  • Investment strategy automatically adapted to your age.
  • High level of profit and risk.
  • Includes investments in Latvia.

Boring but important graph

CBL Aktīvais investment plan has the highest long-term returns compared to the other two active pension plans, which are the most popular by the number of participants.


The graph illustrates the four most popular 2nd pension pillar plans based on participant numbers: Swedbank pensiju ieguldījumu plāns “Dinamika,” SEB aktīvais plāns, Luminor 53-58, and CBL Aktīvais ieguldījumu plāns. It displays the historical value changes of these plans since their inception, but it does not guarantee similar returns in the future.


Questions about pensions?

Apply for a free consultation or fill in a pillar 2 pension form.


How do I choose or change a pension plan?

  • Log in to www.latvija.gov.lv using one of the methods offered.
  • Open an E-submission to select or change your 2nd pension pillar investment plan.
  • Choose the CBL plan which best matches your age and needs.

How do I bequeath a 2nd pension pillar?

Ensure that your pension doesn’t just gather dust once you reach pension age, and add a beneficiary.

A second isn’t enough, you need a third!

A 2nd pension pillar alone isn’t enough for you to live like you do now when you retire. The solution: a 3rd pension pillar.


Apply for the advantageous index pension plans

With CBL Indeksu plans, you have the opportunity to save more! Apply for a consultation and we'll sort out the pension issue together.

2nd pension pillar CBL Indeksu plan

• The most profitable 2nd pillar pension plan in Latvia in 2023*.

• The lowest commission fee in Latvia** – 0.08%.

* Source: manapensija.lv. Period: 31.12.2022. - 31.12.2023.

Service provided by IPAS CBL Asset Management, a Citadele Group business.

3rd pension pillar CBL Indeksu plan

• The most profitable level 3 pension plan at Citadele in 2024.

• Annual commission fee – 0.53%.

The most advantageous level 3 index pension plan in Latvia for investments up to 100 000 EUR and private clients.

Service provided by AS CBL Atklātais Pensiju Fonds, a Citadele Group business.

Latest news (in Latvian)


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Didn’t find the answer to your question?

Visit our interactive assistant and find the information you need

Interactive assistant
Where can I find out how much is in my pension savings?

There are several ways to find out your 2nd pension pillar savings.

1. Citadele online bank

Under: Pensions > 2nd pension pillar> Learn your accrued 2nd pillar pension funds

2. www.latvija.gov.lv

On the home page under E-services > Information and services > Request service.

Log in with your authorisation device of choice, and you will see your 1st, 2nd and 3rd pension pillars.

How do I withdraw the funds in my 2nd pension pillar?

You can withdraw your 2nd pension pillar savings once you apply for a state pension.

As of 2024:

- To receive your saved capital, you must have reached the age of 64 years and 9 months.

- You must have worked for no less than 15 years.

How can I calculate my pension?

You will only know your exact pension just before you retire, but you can obtain an estimate of your pension today using our pension calculator.

How can I compare results from different pension plan providers?

You can compare the results of all 2nd pension pillar providers on the website manapensija.lv (https://www.manapensija.lv). It contains information about each plan's commission fee, as well as other information on pension pillars.

How often can I change my 2nd pension pillar investment plan and provider?

Changing your 2nd pension pillar investment plan and provider:

1. Change of provider - permitted once per calendar year.

If you have changed providers this year (for example, from one bank to another), you will be able to join CBL Asset Management next year.

2. Change of investment plan - permitted twice per year, as long as you change between plans offered by the same provider.

If you have not changed your investment plan this year, or if you have changed plans, but not providers, you can join CBL Asset Management.

Why choose Citadele for your 2nd pension pillar?

Citadele is a good choice for your 2nd pension pillar for the following reasons:

1. High profitability. CBL Asset Management's plans have been able to show some of the best growth in savings.

2. Long-term success. Since 2003, the CBL Aktīvais plan has been the best in the 50% share-based plan category.

3. Low commission fees. The CBL Indeksu plan has the lowest commission fee in Latvia: 0.08% per year. In 2023, the plan also showed the best growth in value (22.83%), outpacing the Swedbank Dinamika Indekss plan by 2.89%.

How do I opt out of the 2nd pension pillar?

If you have not yet reached pension age, you cannot opt out of the 2nd pension pillar, as participation in the 2nd pension pillar is compulsory.

Where can I apply for the 2nd pension pillar?

To apply for the 2nd pension pillar, there are several options.

1. Citadele online bank

Under: Pensions > 2nd pension pillar > Sign up at latvija.lv.

2. www.latvija.gov.lv

On the home page under E-services > Information and services > Request service.

Log in with your authorisation device of choice, and you will see your 1st, 2nd and 3rd pension pillars.

Select 2nd pension pillar > See more > Current provider > Change. Change the CBL plan from the list which is best suited to your age and interests, and press Submit.

What does the commission fee comprise?

The commission fee comprises two parts:

1. Fixed commission fee. A fixed amount set by the provider.

2. Variable commission fee. Depends on the results of the investment.

The amount of commission is set by the provider, but the maximum amount is limited by law. You can view each plan's fee in more detail in the plan comparison on our 2nd pension pillar page, which also includes the prospectus for each plan. The CBL Indeksu plan has the lowest commission fee in Latvia.

If I am a pensioner, but still working, do my 2nd pension pillar savings keep building?

No, after your pension is issued, your 2nd pension pillar savings are added to your 1st pension pillar. When you purchase a Lifetime Pension insurance policy, your 2nd pension pillar savings are added to your policy. Read more about the Lifetime Pension here.

Why choose CBL Asset Management as your pension provider?

CBL Asset Management is a good choice for your pension provider for the following reasons:

1. All-encompassing range of services. The only company in Latvia that oversees pension savings as well as investment funds and individual portfolios.

2. Wide customer base. More than 200,000 customers trust CBL, and the total amount we manage comes to EUR 1.2 billion.

3. The largest team of experts in Latvia. The largest team of investment and financial experts in Latvia, offering high-quality services.

What formula is used to calculate my pension?

Pension calculations are made by the State Social Insurance Agency (SSIA). You can view a more detailed formula for calculation on the SSIA website.

Is my pension taxed?

Yes, your pension is subject to personal income tax, just like your salary. As of January 1, 2025, the non-taxable minimum on pensions is 1000 EUR. The portion of your pension over this threshold is subject to a progressive income tax:

- Pension portion up to 1000 EUR: 0% tax rate.

- Pension portion over 1000 EUR: 25.5% tax rate.

From what age can I join the 2nd pension pillar?

You can start participating in the 2nd pension pillar when you start work, and from the age of 15.

How do you decide where to invest my pension savings?

CBL Asset Management's investment decisions are made by 13 experienced financial and investment experts. They carefully analyse the market and available options in order to ensure the optimal balance between risk and profit. Plus, CBL Asset Management also invests in assets linked with Latvia, supporting the local economy.

What is the 2nd pension pillar?

The 2nd pension pillar is a system in which 5% of your gross salary every month is paid to your chosen pension provider. These savings are managed with the aim of increasing the pension you receive when you retire.

Is the 2nd pension pillar inheritable?

Yes, as of January 1, 2020, 2nd pension pillar participants who have not yet requested their state pension have the right to choose how their savings are used if they die before reaching pension age. There are three options:

1. Pension savings are transferred to the special state pension budget. The savings are given to current pensioners.

2. The savings are inherited by a specific person. The savings are added to the 2nd pension pillar of that person, allowing them to receive a larger pension when they retire.

3. The savings are inherited according to the Civil Law. The savings are passed on to your heirs (next-of-kin or as stated in your will) who can choose to withdraw the money or add it to their 2nd pension pillar.

To ensure that your savings are inherited, you must submit your wishes electronically to the State Social Insurance Agency through the latvija.gov.lv site.

What is an index pension plan?

An index pension plan is managed using a passive investment strategy. This means that the plan invests only in the stock markets, and only in funds which mirror indexes. Regardless of the current financial market situation, the geographic distribution does not change. The passive strategy means relatively low costs and simplified investment management. The CBL Indeksu plan has the lowest commission fee in Latvia: 0.08%.

Can I leave my 2nd pension pillar savings to a beneficiary who is a citizen of another country and does not have a Latvian personal code?

Yes, you can leave your accrued 2nd pension pillar capital to a beneficiary who is a citizen of another country, but only by the process stipulated in the Civil Law. This means that you must comply with the requirements of the law to ensure that your savings are inherited in accordance with your wishes.

More questions
Where can I find out how much is in my pension savings?

There are several ways to find out your 2nd pension pillar savings.

1. Citadele online bank

Under: Pensions > 2nd pension pillar> Learn your accrued 2nd pillar pension funds

2. www.latvija.gov.lv

On the home page under E-services > Information and services > Request service.

Log in with your authorisation device of choice, and you will see your 1st, 2nd and 3rd pension pillars.

How do I withdraw the funds in my 2nd pension pillar?

You can withdraw your 2nd pension pillar savings once you apply for a state pension.

As of 2024:

- To receive your saved capital, you must have reached the age of 64 years and 9 months.

- You must have worked for no less than 15 years.

How can I calculate my pension?

You will only know your exact pension just before you retire, but you can obtain an estimate of your pension today using our pension calculator.

How can I compare results from different pension plan providers?

You can compare the results of all 2nd pension pillar providers on the website manapensija.lv (https://www.manapensija.lv). It contains information about each plan's commission fee, as well as other information on pension pillars.

More opportunities


3rd pension pillar savings

Set up a regular payment, save time and grow your pension savings without even trying. Service provided by Citadele subsidiary AS CBL Atklātais pensiju fonds.
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Investment funds

One of the most popular financial instruments, which offers the chance to maintain and even grow the value of your savings. Apply for a consultation and achieve your goals. Service provided by Citadele subsidiary CBL Asset Management.
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Accident insurance

Choose accident insurance for yourself and your family and avoid sudden expenses after accidental injuries, disability or even death. Service provided by Citadele subsidiary AAS "CBL Life".
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