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A contactless payment card for everyday use.

Contactless payments

Enjoy payments without PIN up to 50 EUR per purchase.

Cash withdrawal free of charge

Withdraw of up to 750 EUR per month without commission fee.

Mobile app

Authorize payments with biometrics or PIN code.

Available services

  • Make contactless payments with the card or Apple Pay.
  • Withdraw up to 750 EUR in cash per month commission free an unlimited number of times from Citadele ATMs and 5 times per month from other ATMs.
  • Oversee your payments in the Citadele mobile app: confirm payments using Face ID, fingerprint or code. Change your card’s PIN code, block and unblock your card, chat with the bank right there in the app.

Check this out! C cards for even better daily banking

Make every day more enjoyable by collecting points for your purchases and making use of the other C card benefits. You will definitely appreciate it!

  • Free transfers within Latvia and Europe.
  • Free cash withdrawals from ATMs worldwide.
  • Wide insurance coverage for travel and purchases.
  • Option of adding a credit limit of up to 15 000 EUR.
  • C REWARDS discounts and prizes.

Didn’t find the answer to your question?

Visit our interactive assistant and find the information you need

Interactive assistant
How do I change my card PIN in the app?

To change your payment card PIN code, authorize in the app using MobileSCAN PIN, biometrics or code calculators. In the overview page, press on the card's icon at the top, select the card for which you wish to change the PIN and click on Change PIN code. 

Bear in mind that PIN changes can be done when using the MobileSCAN PIN, TouchID, FaceID, or code calculators to log in to the app, but not when using code cards.

Click Create new PIN

and enter your new PIN twice.

Confirm by entering your MobileSCAN PIN code.


You must then enter the card with the changed PIN code into any bank’s ATM (in Latvia or abroad, in any, where the card chip is read) and perform any operation, such as viewing your balance or withdrawing cash.

Your PIN code will only be confirmed once the card has been entered into an ATM.

If you don't have the Citadele mobile app yet, take a look here. Look here, if you have problems with accessing Mobile App

What card information must be entered to make an online purchase?

To ensure that online shopping is secure, we use MasterCard® SecureCode™/Verified by Visa technologies which offer additional online identification of the card holder at the point of purchase, lowering the chance of scams in online stores. These technologies also offer money and data protection. 
The online store or retailer decides whether their website will use 3D secure technology. Retailers which take part in the SecureCode/Verified by Visa/SafeKey programme request the card-issuing bank to confirm the purchaser’s right to use the card. Meanwhile, the bank asks the person making the payment to enter a secret code known only to the bank and the legal card user. If the code is entered incorrectly, the payment is cancelled. Therefore, it is impossible to use a card belonging to someone else in an online store which is part of the SecureCode/Verified by Visa/SafeKey programme. 

First, make sure the online purchase option for your card is turned on. Open the mobile app, click on the card’s icon at the top, select the card you want to enable online purchases for, then choose Online purchases and slide the toggle to the right until it turns blue. If it's gray, the online purchase option is not activated.

When paying for an online purchase, you must enter your card details. To confirm the payment, enter the following card details:

 – Name, Surname;
 – Card number; 
 – Card expiry date; 
 – CVV2/CVC2 - 3 numbers found on the back of the card. 

After entering this information, select Continue and, if the retailer uses 3D secure, as the next step you will automatically be asked for your Citadele online banking username and authorisation code in a specially-created and protected page with the Citadele logo. If the retailer does not have 3D secure, all you need is the card information; you will not have to log in to the online bank.

Enter the username (login) of Citadele Online Banking.
Remember that it is always written with uppercase letters. 

If you choose to confirm your payment with MobileSCAN/Digipass 780, your phone will automatically show information asking for your PIN code.

If you choose to confirm your payment with your Code Card/Code Calculator, you will need to enter the username and password you use for the Citadele online bank. 

Remember that your username is always written with uppercase letters. 

After pressing Continue, a window will open where you should enter a code from your code card and the 5-figure code you receive via text. 

You have received a new card with your new account

  • After receiving your application, your card will be sent within 3 business days to the address you provided
  • You will receive an envelope with your PIN code 2 days later (for security reasons, this is not sent in the same envelope as your new card). 

Once you receive your card, you must activate it. You should do this in the online bank or mobile app. Read more on how to activate your card at Card Activation.
Remember that you can create a new PIN code in the Citadele app without waiting for your PIN envelope.

If, however, you wish to use the PIN generated by the bank, you will find it in your PIN envelope (see image).

For greater convenience, we recommend using the Citadele app to adapt your card settings to your needs: contactless payments, online payments and card limits. More on the app’s functions here.


What to do, if your card was stolen or is lost? How to block card?

If your Card is stolen or lost, block it in Citadele mobile app or contact the bank by calling +371 6701 0000. Citadele cards can also be blocked temporarily, which means that you will be able to unlock it if the card is found and hasn't been in the hands of other people.

Lost or stolen card replacement

If the your payment card is lost or stolen, replace it yourself - in Online bank find section "Accounts and cards"  and select the application "Replace existing card", or contact us by phone 6701 0000. See detailed, how to replace card in Online banking.

You will receive your new payment card by post.

More questions
How do I change my card PIN in the app?

To change your payment card PIN code, authorize in the app using MobileSCAN PIN, biometrics or code calculators. In the overview page, press on the card's icon at the top, select the card for which you wish to change the PIN and click on Change PIN code. 

Bear in mind that PIN changes can be done when using the MobileSCAN PIN, TouchID, FaceID, or code calculators to log in to the app, but not when using code cards.

Click Create new PIN

and enter your new PIN twice.

Confirm by entering your MobileSCAN PIN code.


You must then enter the card with the changed PIN code into any bank’s ATM (in Latvia or abroad, in any, where the card chip is read) and perform any operation, such as viewing your balance or withdrawing cash.

Your PIN code will only be confirmed once the card has been entered into an ATM.

If you don't have the Citadele mobile app yet, take a look here. Look here, if you have problems with accessing Mobile App

What card information must be entered to make an online purchase?

To ensure that online shopping is secure, we use MasterCard® SecureCode™/Verified by Visa technologies which offer additional online identification of the card holder at the point of purchase, lowering the chance of scams in online stores. These technologies also offer money and data protection. 
The online store or retailer decides whether their website will use 3D secure technology. Retailers which take part in the SecureCode/Verified by Visa/SafeKey programme request the card-issuing bank to confirm the purchaser’s right to use the card. Meanwhile, the bank asks the person making the payment to enter a secret code known only to the bank and the legal card user. If the code is entered incorrectly, the payment is cancelled. Therefore, it is impossible to use a card belonging to someone else in an online store which is part of the SecureCode/Verified by Visa/SafeKey programme. 

First, make sure the online purchase option for your card is turned on. Open the mobile app, click on the card’s icon at the top, select the card you want to enable online purchases for, then choose Online purchases and slide the toggle to the right until it turns blue. If it's gray, the online purchase option is not activated.

When paying for an online purchase, you must enter your card details. To confirm the payment, enter the following card details:

 – Name, Surname;
 – Card number; 
 – Card expiry date; 
 – CVV2/CVC2 - 3 numbers found on the back of the card. 

After entering this information, select Continue and, if the retailer uses 3D secure, as the next step you will automatically be asked for your Citadele online banking username and authorisation code in a specially-created and protected page with the Citadele logo. If the retailer does not have 3D secure, all you need is the card information; you will not have to log in to the online bank.

Enter the username (login) of Citadele Online Banking.
Remember that it is always written with uppercase letters. 

If you choose to confirm your payment with MobileSCAN/Digipass 780, your phone will automatically show information asking for your PIN code.

If you choose to confirm your payment with your Code Card/Code Calculator, you will need to enter the username and password you use for the Citadele online bank. 

Remember that your username is always written with uppercase letters. 

After pressing Continue, a window will open where you should enter a code from your code card and the 5-figure code you receive via text. 

You have received a new card with your new account

  • After receiving your application, your card will be sent within 3 business days to the address you provided
  • You will receive an envelope with your PIN code 2 days later (for security reasons, this is not sent in the same envelope as your new card). 

Once you receive your card, you must activate it. You should do this in the online bank or mobile app. Read more on how to activate your card at Card Activation.
Remember that you can create a new PIN code in the Citadele app without waiting for your PIN envelope.

If, however, you wish to use the PIN generated by the bank, you will find it in your PIN envelope (see image).

For greater convenience, we recommend using the Citadele app to adapt your card settings to your needs: contactless payments, online payments and card limits. More on the app’s functions here.


What to do, if your card was stolen or is lost? How to block card?

If your Card is stolen or lost, block it in Citadele mobile app or contact the bank by calling +371 6701 0000. Citadele cards can also be blocked temporarily, which means that you will be able to unlock it if the card is found and hasn't been in the hands of other people.

Lost or stolen card replacement

If the your payment card is lost or stolen, replace it yourself - in Online bank find section "Accounts and cards"  and select the application "Replace existing card", or contact us by phone 6701 0000. See detailed, how to replace card in Online banking.

You will receive your new payment card by post.

More opportunities


C cards

Free money transfers within Europe and free cash withdrawals from ATMs worldwide. C REWARDS prizes and discounts.
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Mobile app

Use the bank’s services at a time and place convenient to you. Confirm payments using your face or fingerprint.
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Payment accessories

Choose your contactless payment method: ring, wristband or sticker.
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Loan offer

Find out how much you can borrow within just a few minutes.
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