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Cash Withdrawal limits at ATMs

Daily limit for one payment card for cash withdrawal at ATMs and POS terminals:

Cash limits for withdrawal for free please see in the Price list.

Using С smart, С supreme, С prime, Mastercard Debit 2200 EUR Equivalent 2200 EUR
Using С Infinite 3000 EUR Equivalent 3000 EUR
Cash and POS operations’ daily or monthly limit increase above limit set in Pricelist, for one payment card 7 EUR or equivalent which is deducted from customer’s account upon receipt of customer’s application and limit increase 7 EUR or equivalent which is deducted from customer’s account upon receipt of customer’s application and limit increase
Using С smart, С supreme, С prime, Mastercard Debit 2200 EUR
Using С Infinite 3000 EUR
Cash and POS operations’ daily or monthly limit increase above limit set in Pricelist, for one payment card 7 EUR or equivalent which is deducted from customer’s account upon receipt of customer’s application and limit increase
Using С smart, С supreme, С prime, Mastercard Debit Equivalent 2200 EUR
Using С Infinite Equivalent 3000 EUR
Cash and POS operations’ daily or monthly limit increase above limit set in Pricelist, for one payment card 7 EUR or equivalent which is deducted from customer’s account upon receipt of customer’s application and limit increase

Monthly limit for one payment card for cash withdrawal at ATMs and POS terminals:

Using С smart, С supreme, С prime, Mastercard Debit 15 000 EUR Equivalent 15 000 EUR
Using С Infinite 30 000 EUR Equivalent 30 000 EUR
Using С smart, С supreme, С prime, Mastercard Debit 15 000 EUR
Using С Infinite 30 000 EUR
Using С smart, С supreme, С prime, Mastercard Debit Equivalent 15 000 EUR
Using С Infinite Equivalent 30 000 EUR

Effective from 24.05.2019.

Cash Withdrawal limits in branches*:

Please bear in mind that the information above refers to cash withdrawal limits from ATMs. Current information on the commission fee for cash withdrawals is available in the Price List.

Branch/Currency Citadele branch
EUR 10 000 EUR
Citadele branch
EUR 10 000 EUR

Effective from 01.03.2021.

*For the issuance of money, if the amount exceeds the specified limits, a fee is charged, in accordance with the Bank's tariffs.
Cash must be ordered for at least two working days in advance.

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