Other services

Effective since 01.03.2023

Other services
Service Fee
Commission fee for processing and verification of the received document1 40 EUR per page (min 50 EUR)
Preparation of an account statement at the bank's branch 40 EUR per page/per month in case of account statement (min 50 EUR)2
Preparation of standard reference3 50 EUR (VAT included)
Preparation of non-standard reference4 As agreed, min. 100 EUR (VAT included)
Additional fee for standard/non-standard reference translation to English or Russian 30 EUR
Drawing up of the bank's internal power of attorney for private persons 20 EUR
Minimum bank service fee for the customers who have a personal identity document issued outside the EEA and do not have permanent residence permit issued in Latvia5 10 EUR per month
Verification of private person documents upon account opening for customers - private persons - who have a personal identity document issued outside Latvia and do not hold a permanent residence permit issued in Latvia6,7 350 EUR
SMS sent to customer about card transactions 0.15 EUR
Maintenance of inactive customer’s account or account without active card attached: (private individuals and legal entities) 8
if there have not been customer’s initiated transactions performed on the current account for more than 12 months and customer has no other contracts concluded with Citadele Bank 75 EUR per month
if there have not been customer’s initiated transactions performed on current account for more than 2 years and customer has no other contracts concluded with Citadele Bank 150 EUR per month
If cooperation with customer is terminated according to the Bank’s initiative and customer hasn’t performed transfer/ withdrawal of funds from the account within the term specified in the notice 300 EUR per month
Usage of the courier post upon customer’s request for documents and other values sending 25 EUR + actual expenses (VAT included)
Cash and POS operations’ daily or monthly limit increase above limit EUR 30 or equivalent which is deducted from customer’s account upon receipt of customer’s application and limit increase
Processing of each received document for acceptance, inspection and execution of sworn judicial executor’s orders and State Revenue Service’s collection orders 15 EUR10
Other fees not mentioned in the price list Based on mutual agreement between the customer and the Citadele bank
  • 1 If a document must be notarized, customer pay actual expences of notary service additionaly.
  • 2 If account statement is requested for several months, including calendar month (months) with no turnover in the account, fee for appropriate calendar month (without account turnover) is not applied, taking in account that commission fee shall not be less than minimal fee for account statement, set in Pricelist. If account statement is requested for period with no turnover in account, only minimal fee for account statement shall be applied as set in Pricelist. 2 It is possible to receive an account statement for a period not exceeding 10 (ten) years from the request
  • 3 The following types of references are considered as standard references: reference about account balance, account existence/credit limit applied to account/active payment cards linked to account, positive account balance, term deposit agreement, account closure (undated), equity capital payment (or increase), outstanding consumer loan balance (private individuals), outstanding balance of a particular debt in accordance with a debt repayment agreement, credit card balance. This fee also applies for preparation of a SWIFT copy of the sent payment order. If the document must be notarized, the customer additionally pays the actual expenses of notary services.
  • 4 Following types of references are considered as non-standard references: reference stating that customer does not have consumer lending obligations, references about terms of a payment account attached to an account (active/closed), non-existence of credit obligations, account balance and ID document information, information for controllers/auditors, confirmation of auditor requests and reconciliation statements and issuance of a copy of documents from the archive and other references with additional information, that are not mentioned as standard references. If the document must be notarized, the customer additionally pays the actual expenses of notary services.
  • 5 One fee is applied for all accounts held by the customer. The fee is not applied in case the customer has any type of Citadele lending products
  • 6 The fee shall be payable before the verification carried out by the bank and before the bank's decision on starting business relationship with the customer.
  • 7 Requisites for the processing fee: Beneficiary: Citadele banka AS; Account No.: LV73PARX000000PL52521; Amount: 350; Currency: EUR; SWIFT Code:PARXLV22; Reg. Nr. 40103303559
  • 8 The fee shall be applied until the account balance is zero, if currency of the account is not EUR, fee is charged in equivalent.
  • 9 Account balance fee is charged on the funds of the customer or group of related customers. The Bank does not calculate or pay interest to the customer on balances of funds. The account balance fee is not applied if the central bank has set the annual deposit interest rate for the respective currency, which is equal to 0 or positive. The commission fee is applied to the amount of the balance of a account for each calendar day, where the account balance at the end of the day is equal to or greater than the amounts specified in the Pricelist, and the account is debited for the total amount calculated during a calendar month on the last day of the same month. The accounts, for balances of which the fee specified in the Pricelist is applied to the amount specified in the Pricelist, are a current account, including a current account with a payment card, savings account+, cash account for transactions in financial instruments
  • 10 Processing of payment related to sworn judicial executor’s orders and State Revenue Service’s collection orders as per standard payment fee.