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Authentication and payment confirmation methods

Pay for services and confirm transactions in the way that is most convenient for you.


Use if your smart device always is near by.

Code calculators

Use if you don’t have a smart device.

eParaksts mobile

Choose developed by government digital authorization device.

MobileSCAN - for smart device users

  • Log in to the Citadele mobile app or online bank and confirm payments using your five-digit MobileSCAN code, Face ID or fingerprint.
  • With one touch, log in to different online services, including and others.
  • Payment limit up to 250 000 EUR available.
  • Activate and use MobileSCAN for free.
  • Works on smartphones and tablets from Apple iOS 15 and up or Android 9.0 and up.

eParaksts mobile

  • Modern and secure digital tool, which ensures remote identification confirmation and documents signature. It has the same legal power as providing identification document or signing document on paper.
  • Possible to receive for free starting from 14 years old with valid identification document issued in Latvia – passport, ID card or residence permit.
  • eParaksts mobile can be used to authorize in Citadele Online bank or to reach your applications on web page in section My applications.

Code calculators and card

  • Digipass 780 uses a unique colourful code (similar to MobileSCAN).
  • When you scan this code, you will see all the details of the transaction on the screen, which you can confirm instantly with your PIN code.
  • Payment limit: 10 million EUR per day.
  • Digipass 780 costs 35 EUR to obtain.
  • With the press of a button, it displays a unique six-digit code valid for almost a minute.
  • In certain cases stipulated by the bank, you will have to enter a five-digit confirmation code alongside the calculator code - this will arrive by SMS to the user’s phone number.
  • Payment limit: 60 000 EUR per day.
  • Costs 12 EUR to obtain or exchange.
  • Use alongside an additional security code received by SMS (the SMS is sent in certain cases as decided by the bank).
  • Payment limit: 3000 EUR per day.
  • Important! Code cards are not being issued from 17.04.2023.
Payments with an SMS code

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Interactive assistant
How do I obtain a MobileSCAN license?

1. Enter the Citadele online bank.

2. On the left-hand side, open Mobile Services. Bear in mind that this is only available if you are the account holder.

3. Read the information displayed and click Activate MobileSCAN.

4. In the mobile device for which you wish to activate MobileSCAN, open the Citadele app and click MobileSCAN.

5. You will open a screen from which you can begin activating MobileSCAN.

6. In the online bank, click Scan Code.



7. In the app, click Activate, and your camera will open, which you can use to scan the colourful code in the online bank.

8. Choose a 5-figure PIN code which you will use to log onto the the online bank or app, and enter it into your mobile device.
Enter your PIN again.

9. The screen of your device will show an activation code.

10. Enter this code into the online bank in the MobileSCAN activation code field, and press Continue.

11. You will receive an SMS (if you use Digipass GO3 or a code card) with a number code.

12. Enter this code and the requested code from your code card or GO3 code in the online bank.

13. Click Complete, and MobileSCAN is activated!

If you already have a MobileSCAN licence, reactivate it in the mobile application or online banking.

MobileSCAN limits can be increased:

More about MobileSCAN
Transaction limits

How can I increase my MobileSCAN limits without visiting a branch in person?

For us to consider increasing your MobileSCAN limits remotely, there are two things you must do: 

1. Submit an application. 
To do this, log in to the full version of online banking (through our website), and under Correspondence with Bank select Order to Bank.

Fill in the following sections: 

  • Topic: Increasing MobileSCAN limits
  • Account number for authorisation: select any of your accounts from the list
  • Order text: Fill in the text using this template: Please remotely increase my MobileSCAN limits, because … (describe the reason) 

Select Next and sign the order using a code from your authorisation device. 
You can check whether it has been successfully submitted to the bank in your Order History; you will see a “P” next to your order, which means that your application is being processed. 

2. Call the bank at +371 6701 0000 and inform the operator that you have submitted an application to increase your MobileSCAN limit.

Be ready to identify yourself over the phone. 

Can't use a code card or GO3 / calculator

If the code card is blocked, lost or otherwise unusable, visit our branch with an identity document (passport or ID card), where you will be issued a new code card.
If your GO3 / calculator does not have a working battery or is lost - visit a branch with an identity document (passport or ID card) to get a new one. However, if you have blocked your GO3 / calculator by entering an incorrect code, contact us by calling 67010000.

Services in branch by appoinment only, sign up for a branch visit here.

How do I change my MobileSCAN 5-digit PIN code?

Log in to the Citadele app using MobileSCAN. Click on the profile icon on the top right corner and choose Change MobileSCAN PIN.

Follow the instructions that appear in the app 

1. Enter your existing MobileSCAN code.
2. Enter your new MobileSCAN code. 
3. Enter your new MobileSCAN code again.

Your MobileSCAN code has been changed. 

If you get error "Something went wrong" when entering your MobileSCAN code, you will need to delete and reinstall the application from the AppStore and reactivate MobileSCAN. See here, How do you reactivate MobileSCAN in the app if I have previously already used MobileSCAN?

Note that the transaction limits for MobileSCAN activated in this way will be 3000 EUR. You may also find the following information useful - How can I increase my MobileSCAN limits without visiting a branch in person?

What if I didn't receive any authorisation texts?

We will send you an authorisation text immediately after completing an operation which requires confirmation using an additional code. Sometimes, text messages may be delayed for reasons outside of our control (insufficient mobile coverage, network capacity, etc.). If you do not receive the message within one minute, you can request a new one (up to three times). If, however, you do not receive any of the messages, the issue is most likely linked with mobile network services or the phone itself. In this case, please contact us by phone on +371 6701 0000.

What is MobileSCAN?

MobileSCAN is an authorisation device that is integrated into Citadele mobile application to conveniently and safely connect to online banking or mobile application, confirm payments and sign documents.

  • It will always be at hand with your phone. MobileSCAN is unrivalled for connecting to Citadele mobile application or online banking to confirm payments.
  • Authorize it with a 5-digit MobileSCAN code, FaceID or a fingerprint.
  • MobileSCAN is free of charge to connect and use.
  • When attempting to sign into various service websites ( and others) with your online banking, MobileSCAN connection will let you do it unbelievably easy - just one tap.
  • Increase your payment limits at a Citadele branch office or connect MobileSCAN with a code calculator.
  • MobileSCAN works with all modern smartphones and tablets (Apple iOS version 16 and later and Android version 9.0 and later).

To activate and use MobileSCAN daily it is necessary to download Citadele mobile application on your mobile device from Apple Store (iOS) or Google play (Android) and activate MobileSCAN in your online banking or any Citadele branch office throughout Latvia.

What is necessary to activate MobileSCAN?

You need a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) with:

  • OS Android (9.0 or later) or iOS (16 or later)
  • Citadele mobile application
  • Turned on camera
  • Ability to connect to the internet (WiFi or mobile internet) for first time MobileSCAN activation.

You can activate MobileSCAN in your online banking (in “Mobile Services”). If you can’t find this section, you can receive a MobileSCAN activation licence in any Citadele branch office throughout Latvia.

If you are not bank’s client yet, you can become one in Citadele mobile application and automatically receive a MobileSCAN licence.

How do I check my MobileSCAN payment limits in the mobile app with Android phone?

Open the app and select MobileSCAN. 

Select the settings icon in the upper right corner. 

To view your MobileSCAN authorisation tool limits on this device, select the device name. 
If you wish to view MobileSCAN limits for your other devices, select View Other Devices. 

Under Payment Limits, select Log In.

Enter your 5-figure MobileSCAN PIN code or use biometrics: TouchID (fingerprint) or FaceID (facial recognition).

Under Payment Limits, you will see the single-transaction and one-day limit for your chosen MobileSCAN device. 
If you do not see this function in your app, ensure that you have updated your device software to the latest-possible version. 

How can I find out what mobile phone number is registered with the Bank?

Private customers may find this information in Online Banking, in the field Mobile Phone > Phone Number in the section Parameters > Contact Details, or in the field Mobile Phone > Phone Number in the section Parameters > Basic Client Profile.  You may also find it out by calling at +371 6701 0000 or by visiting the nearest Citadele branch.

What do I do if I change my mobile device and MobileSCAN does not work anymore?

When you change your mobile device, you need to re-download Citadele mobile application and reactivate MobileSCAN in online bank, mobile application or any Citadele branch office.

Using SMS codes

For code cards and GO3 code calculators

1. Making payments using an SMS code

Fill in the necessary payment information. Click “Next” if using the online bank (or “Continue” if using the mobile app) and you will be forwarded to the payment confirmation page.

  • Carefully check the payment information again.
  • Enter the code from your code card or the code from your GO3 code calculator.
  • Await an SMS with a five-figure authorisation code (the SMS with the code will be sent to your mobile phone number automatically) and enter it into the respective field.

Online bank

If you have a code card:

If you have a GO3 code calculator:

Mobile app

If you have a code card:

If you have a GO3 code calculator:

If the SMS does not arrive within 30 seconds, you can request it again by clicking “Send again”.

You can request the SMS to be sent again a maximum of three times. After the third time, you will see a message that there may be interruptions to the mobile network. In this case, please call us on 6701 0000 to check whether the bank has the correct mobile phone number for you.

2. Logging in using an SMS code

The bank may ask you to log in to the online bank or mobile app using a code sent via SMS if you have not logged in for a long time, and for security reasons this will also be done once every 90 days. This only applies to code card users.

Online bank
Enter your online banking username and password, click “Continue”.

  • Enter the code from your code card.
  • Enter the code you receive via SMS.
  • Click “Continue”.

Mobile app
Enter your online banking username and password, click “Continue”.

  • Enter the code from your code card.
  • Enter the code you receive via SMS.
  • Click “Continue”.

3. Using the SMS code to pay by card online

Code card users can confirm online purchases without entering a code from their code card.
When you click “Code card”, you will be asked to enter your username and password, and, on the next page, your SMS code.
Bear in mind that you cannot pay for online purchases using your code card when purchasing through an app such as Google Play, etc.

Where can I find out what mobile number is registered to me at the bank?

You can find out through the online bank at Parameters > Contact Information or Parameters > Questionnaire in the field Mobile phone > Phone number. Please bear in mind that, if you are the representative of a legal person, you can find out and, if necessary, change your registered phone number by calling us at +371 6701 0000, by visiting a Citadele branch, or by writing a free-form request in Online bank, at Contact the banksection.

Can I use MobileSCAN together with another authorisation device?

Yes, MobileSCAN can be used alongside other authorisation devices.

During one online banking session you can use only one type of authorisation device.

What to do if MobileSCAN activation licence can’t be scanned?

This problem is only present if MobileSCAN is activated in a branch office or Client Support Centre. This problem has not been observed in online banking.

To solve this problem, turn the licence toward light so that the licence’s color-code is illuminated as much as possible. You can also use a desk lamp or another phone’s flashlight or flash.

How do I check my MobileSCAN payment limits in the mobile app with iOS phone?

Open the app and select MobileSCAN. 

Select the settings icon in the upper right corner. 

To view your MobileSCAN authorisation tool limits on this device, select the device name. 
If you wish to view MobileSCAN limits for your other devices, select View Other Devices. 

Under Payment Limits, select Log In. 

Enter your 5-figure MobileSCAN PIN code or use biometrics: TouchID (fingerprint) or FaceID (facial recognition).

Under Payment Limits, you will see the single-transaction and one-day limit for your chosen MobileSCAN device. 
If you do not see this function in your app, ensure that you have updated your device software to the latest-possible version. 

How much does MobileSCAN cost?

MobileSCAN activation and usage starting from 10.04.2017 is free of charge according to the bank’s pricelist.

Why use MobileSCAN?

You don’t need to look for your code card or code calculator when connecting to online banking from a PC - a mobile device is enough. When connecting to Citadele mobile application, confirmation of connection and payments can now be done only with MobileSCAN PIN code.

If your mobile device is equipped with fingerprint (Touch ID) or Face ID functionality, you can use it instead of MobileSCAN PIN code to perform the necessary actions in online banking or mobile application even faster and more conveniently.

What to do if the mobile device has been lost or stolen?

If the mobile device has been lost/stolen, call +371 6701 0000 and report to lock MobileSCAN on the respective device.

Can MobileSCAN be disconnected?

Yes, MobileSCAN can be disconnected in four ways:

  • In mobile application go to More, then Settings and press Unpair
  • Got to Mobile Services in online banking and disconnect the necessary device
  • Call Client Support Centre +371 6701 0000 and ask to block MobileSCAN
  • On the home screen of the mobile application press MobileSCAN and then Disable in the upper corner

Note that to start using MobileSCAN again, MobileSCAN must be reactivated. This can be done in your online banking, mobile application or by visiting Citadele branch office with a valid personal identification document, your mobile device and, if possible, previously received MobileSCAN licence.

What information will text messages with an authorisation code contain?

A text message will contain the authorisation code that is to be entered in the respective field in Online Banking or the Citadele mobile application. Also, a text message will contain brief information about the transaction to confirm which authorisation code has been sent, for example, the recipient’s account number and amount or contract/order name. This additional information about the transaction is intended to provide greater confidence to the client that the authorisation code sent by the bank is the one necessary to confirm the transaction initiated by the client in Online Banking or the Citadele mobile application.

More questions
How do I obtain a MobileSCAN license?

1. Enter the Citadele online bank.

2. On the left-hand side, open Mobile Services. Bear in mind that this is only available if you are the account holder.

3. Read the information displayed and click Activate MobileSCAN.

4. In the mobile device for which you wish to activate MobileSCAN, open the Citadele app and click MobileSCAN.

5. You will open a screen from which you can begin activating MobileSCAN.

6. In the online bank, click Scan Code.



7. In the app, click Activate, and your camera will open, which you can use to scan the colourful code in the online bank.

8. Choose a 5-figure PIN code which you will use to log onto the the online bank or app, and enter it into your mobile device.
Enter your PIN again.

9. The screen of your device will show an activation code.

10. Enter this code into the online bank in the MobileSCAN activation code field, and press Continue.

11. You will receive an SMS (if you use Digipass GO3 or a code card) with a number code.

12. Enter this code and the requested code from your code card or GO3 code in the online bank.

13. Click Complete, and MobileSCAN is activated!

If you already have a MobileSCAN licence, reactivate it in the mobile application or online banking.

MobileSCAN limits can be increased:

More about MobileSCAN
Transaction limits

How can I increase my MobileSCAN limits without visiting a branch in person?

For us to consider increasing your MobileSCAN limits remotely, there are two things you must do: 

1. Submit an application. 
To do this, log in to the full version of online banking (through our website), and under Correspondence with Bank select Order to Bank.

Fill in the following sections: 

  • Topic: Increasing MobileSCAN limits
  • Account number for authorisation: select any of your accounts from the list
  • Order text: Fill in the text using this template: Please remotely increase my MobileSCAN limits, because … (describe the reason) 

Select Next and sign the order using a code from your authorisation device. 
You can check whether it has been successfully submitted to the bank in your Order History; you will see a “P” next to your order, which means that your application is being processed. 

2. Call the bank at +371 6701 0000 and inform the operator that you have submitted an application to increase your MobileSCAN limit.

Be ready to identify yourself over the phone. 

Can't use a code card or GO3 / calculator

If the code card is blocked, lost or otherwise unusable, visit our branch with an identity document (passport or ID card), where you will be issued a new code card.
If your GO3 / calculator does not have a working battery or is lost - visit a branch with an identity document (passport or ID card) to get a new one. However, if you have blocked your GO3 / calculator by entering an incorrect code, contact us by calling 67010000.

Services in branch by appoinment only, sign up for a branch visit here.

How do I change my MobileSCAN 5-digit PIN code?

Log in to the Citadele app using MobileSCAN. Click on the profile icon on the top right corner and choose Change MobileSCAN PIN.

Follow the instructions that appear in the app 

1. Enter your existing MobileSCAN code.
2. Enter your new MobileSCAN code. 
3. Enter your new MobileSCAN code again.

Your MobileSCAN code has been changed. 

If you get error "Something went wrong" when entering your MobileSCAN code, you will need to delete and reinstall the application from the AppStore and reactivate MobileSCAN. See here, How do you reactivate MobileSCAN in the app if I have previously already used MobileSCAN?

Note that the transaction limits for MobileSCAN activated in this way will be 3000 EUR. You may also find the following information useful - How can I increase my MobileSCAN limits without visiting a branch in person?

What if I didn't receive any authorisation texts?

We will send you an authorisation text immediately after completing an operation which requires confirmation using an additional code. Sometimes, text messages may be delayed for reasons outside of our control (insufficient mobile coverage, network capacity, etc.). If you do not receive the message within one minute, you can request a new one (up to three times). If, however, you do not receive any of the messages, the issue is most likely linked with mobile network services or the phone itself. In this case, please contact us by phone on +371 6701 0000.

What is MobileSCAN?

MobileSCAN is an authorisation device that is integrated into Citadele mobile application to conveniently and safely connect to online banking or mobile application, confirm payments and sign documents.

  • It will always be at hand with your phone. MobileSCAN is unrivalled for connecting to Citadele mobile application or online banking to confirm payments.
  • Authorize it with a 5-digit MobileSCAN code, FaceID or a fingerprint.
  • MobileSCAN is free of charge to connect and use.
  • When attempting to sign into various service websites ( and others) with your online banking, MobileSCAN connection will let you do it unbelievably easy - just one tap.
  • Increase your payment limits at a Citadele branch office or connect MobileSCAN with a code calculator.
  • MobileSCAN works with all modern smartphones and tablets (Apple iOS version 16 and later and Android version 9.0 and later).

To activate and use MobileSCAN daily it is necessary to download Citadele mobile application on your mobile device from Apple Store (iOS) or Google play (Android) and activate MobileSCAN in your online banking or any Citadele branch office throughout Latvia.

What is necessary to activate MobileSCAN?

You need a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) with:

  • OS Android (9.0 or later) or iOS (16 or later)
  • Citadele mobile application
  • Turned on camera
  • Ability to connect to the internet (WiFi or mobile internet) for first time MobileSCAN activation.

You can activate MobileSCAN in your online banking (in “Mobile Services”). If you can’t find this section, you can receive a MobileSCAN activation licence in any Citadele branch office throughout Latvia.

If you are not bank’s client yet, you can become one in Citadele mobile application and automatically receive a MobileSCAN licence.

How do I check my MobileSCAN payment limits in the mobile app with Android phone?

Open the app and select MobileSCAN. 

Select the settings icon in the upper right corner. 

To view your MobileSCAN authorisation tool limits on this device, select the device name. 
If you wish to view MobileSCAN limits for your other devices, select View Other Devices. 

Under Payment Limits, select Log In.

Enter your 5-figure MobileSCAN PIN code or use biometrics: TouchID (fingerprint) or FaceID (facial recognition).

Under Payment Limits, you will see the single-transaction and one-day limit for your chosen MobileSCAN device. 
If you do not see this function in your app, ensure that you have updated your device software to the latest-possible version. 

How can I find out what mobile phone number is registered with the Bank?

Private customers may find this information in Online Banking, in the field Mobile Phone > Phone Number in the section Parameters > Contact Details, or in the field Mobile Phone > Phone Number in the section Parameters > Basic Client Profile.  You may also find it out by calling at +371 6701 0000 or by visiting the nearest Citadele branch.

What do I do if I change my mobile device and MobileSCAN does not work anymore?

When you change your mobile device, you need to re-download Citadele mobile application and reactivate MobileSCAN in online bank, mobile application or any Citadele branch office.

Using SMS codes

For code cards and GO3 code calculators

1. Making payments using an SMS code

Fill in the necessary payment information. Click “Next” if using the online bank (or “Continue” if using the mobile app) and you will be forwarded to the payment confirmation page.

  • Carefully check the payment information again.
  • Enter the code from your code card or the code from your GO3 code calculator.
  • Await an SMS with a five-figure authorisation code (the SMS with the code will be sent to your mobile phone number automatically) and enter it into the respective field.

Online bank

If you have a code card:

If you have a GO3 code calculator:

Mobile app

If you have a code card:

If you have a GO3 code calculator:

If the SMS does not arrive within 30 seconds, you can request it again by clicking “Send again”.

You can request the SMS to be sent again a maximum of three times. After the third time, you will see a message that there may be interruptions to the mobile network. In this case, please call us on 6701 0000 to check whether the bank has the correct mobile phone number for you.

2. Logging in using an SMS code

The bank may ask you to log in to the online bank or mobile app using a code sent via SMS if you have not logged in for a long time, and for security reasons this will also be done once every 90 days. This only applies to code card users.

Online bank
Enter your online banking username and password, click “Continue”.

  • Enter the code from your code card.
  • Enter the code you receive via SMS.
  • Click “Continue”.

Mobile app
Enter your online banking username and password, click “Continue”.

  • Enter the code from your code card.
  • Enter the code you receive via SMS.
  • Click “Continue”.

3. Using the SMS code to pay by card online

Code card users can confirm online purchases without entering a code from their code card.
When you click “Code card”, you will be asked to enter your username and password, and, on the next page, your SMS code.
Bear in mind that you cannot pay for online purchases using your code card when purchasing through an app such as Google Play, etc.

Where can I find out what mobile number is registered to me at the bank?

You can find out through the online bank at Parameters > Contact Information or Parameters > Questionnaire in the field Mobile phone > Phone number. Please bear in mind that, if you are the representative of a legal person, you can find out and, if necessary, change your registered phone number by calling us at +371 6701 0000, by visiting a Citadele branch, or by writing a free-form request in Online bank, at Contact the banksection.

Can I use MobileSCAN together with another authorisation device?

Yes, MobileSCAN can be used alongside other authorisation devices.

During one online banking session you can use only one type of authorisation device.

What to do if MobileSCAN activation licence can’t be scanned?

This problem is only present if MobileSCAN is activated in a branch office or Client Support Centre. This problem has not been observed in online banking.

To solve this problem, turn the licence toward light so that the licence’s color-code is illuminated as much as possible. You can also use a desk lamp or another phone’s flashlight or flash.

How do I check my MobileSCAN payment limits in the mobile app with iOS phone?

Open the app and select MobileSCAN. 

Select the settings icon in the upper right corner. 

To view your MobileSCAN authorisation tool limits on this device, select the device name. 
If you wish to view MobileSCAN limits for your other devices, select View Other Devices. 

Under Payment Limits, select Log In. 

Enter your 5-figure MobileSCAN PIN code or use biometrics: TouchID (fingerprint) or FaceID (facial recognition).

Under Payment Limits, you will see the single-transaction and one-day limit for your chosen MobileSCAN device. 
If you do not see this function in your app, ensure that you have updated your device software to the latest-possible version. 

How much does MobileSCAN cost?

MobileSCAN activation and usage starting from 10.04.2017 is free of charge according to the bank’s pricelist.

Why use MobileSCAN?

You don’t need to look for your code card or code calculator when connecting to online banking from a PC - a mobile device is enough. When connecting to Citadele mobile application, confirmation of connection and payments can now be done only with MobileSCAN PIN code.

If your mobile device is equipped with fingerprint (Touch ID) or Face ID functionality, you can use it instead of MobileSCAN PIN code to perform the necessary actions in online banking or mobile application even faster and more conveniently.

What to do if the mobile device has been lost or stolen?

If the mobile device has been lost/stolen, call +371 6701 0000 and report to lock MobileSCAN on the respective device.

Can MobileSCAN be disconnected?

Yes, MobileSCAN can be disconnected in four ways:

  • In mobile application go to More, then Settings and press Unpair
  • Got to Mobile Services in online banking and disconnect the necessary device
  • Call Client Support Centre +371 6701 0000 and ask to block MobileSCAN
  • On the home screen of the mobile application press MobileSCAN and then Disable in the upper corner

Note that to start using MobileSCAN again, MobileSCAN must be reactivated. This can be done in your online banking, mobile application or by visiting Citadele branch office with a valid personal identification document, your mobile device and, if possible, previously received MobileSCAN licence.

What information will text messages with an authorisation code contain?

A text message will contain the authorisation code that is to be entered in the respective field in Online Banking or the Citadele mobile application. Also, a text message will contain brief information about the transaction to confirm which authorisation code has been sent, for example, the recipient’s account number and amount or contract/order name. This additional information about the transaction is intended to provide greater confidence to the client that the authorisation code sent by the bank is the one necessary to confirm the transaction initiated by the client in Online Banking or the Citadele mobile application.

More opportunities


Mobile app

Use the bank’s services at a time and place convenient to you. Confirm payments using your face or fingerprint.
Find out more

Online bank

A convenient and secure method of managing your finances, applying for various loans or signing agreements for your chosen products.
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C cards

Free money transfers within Europe and free cash withdrawals from ATMs worldwide. C REWARDS prizes and discounts.
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Payment accessories

Choose your contactless payment method: ring, wristband or sticker.
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Loan offer

Find out how much you can borrow within just a few minutes.
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