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Tax rate for income from capital gains

Tax amount  

Income from capital gains is subject to a 25.5% personal income tax.  

What kind of income is subject to this tax?  

A 25.5% tax is applied to income from the sale of the following kinds of capital assets:  

  • financial instruments (stocks, capital shares, debentures, investments in partnerships, and other financial instruments named in the Financial Instrument Market Law);   
  • investment fund certificates; 
  • money market instruments (debt instruments and other instruments traded on the money markets);  
  • property (including the rights to purchase property);  
  • objects of intellectual property; 
  • investment gold and other precious metals;  
  • transaction objects on the foreign exchange or goods markets. 

 When do I have to declare this income? 

 Your overall income in a given quarter determines how often you have to submit a declaration.

ProductIf income in one quarter does not exceed 1000 EURIf income in one quarter exceeds 1000 EUR
Citadele investment funds, investment funds, shares, derivative instruments, other financial market instruments, gold (investment gold)

Once per year, by the 15th January of the next year.  

Taxes are due on the 23rd January.

Once per quarter, by the 15th of the next month.  

Taxes are due on the 23rd of the next month.

Who is responsible for calculating and paying tax?  

The income recipient is responsible for calculating and paying personal income tax to the state.  

Special rules for non-residents  

If income from the sale of gold is paid to a non-resident, the income issuer must withhold a 3% tax from the amount disbursed and transfer it to the state budget.  

The non-resident has the right to submit a capital gains declaration to the State Revenue Service and request a refund of their overpaid taxes, as long as the 25.5% tax on profit (the difference between the sale and purchase price of the gold) is lower than the withheld tax amount. 

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