Authorization devices

How do I use SMS banking?

After signing an SMS banking agreement in the online bank, by phone or at a branch, you must first activate the service: send ON XXXX by text to +371 29 300 300, replacing XXX with the four-digit activation code in the agreement you sign.

Once Citadele SMS banking has been activated, if necessary, you can change your SMS banking settings in the online bank, setting:

  • which transactions (incoming and/or outgoing) or card transactions you wish to be notified about by SMS,
  • for what sums,
  • whether you wish to send requests by SMS for your account/card balance,
  • If you wish for messages about transactions to always be included in the account/card balance.
BAL Balance in all accounts linked by the client 
BAL XXXXXX Balance in accounts containing the digits XXXXXX. For example, BAL 123456
BAL ACCOUNT_NUMBER CURRENCY Balance in a specific account and in a specific currency. For example: BAL LV95PARX1234567890123 EUR
CARDBAL Available balance for all cards
CARDBAL CARD_NUMBER Available balance on a specific card, using the full card number or just the final 4 digits of the card number. For example: CARDBAL 7896 
OFF Temporarily disable SMS banking
OFF XXXXXX Example: OFF 123456 Temporarily disable SMS banking for account containing the following digits XXXXXX
INFO or I Receive Citadele Bank’s contact details
HELP or ? Receive information about SMS banking commands

The cost of SMS banking depends on the type of card or account to which it is linked.
For some cards, SMS about incoming transactions to account is free of charge. Messages about outgoing transactions, as well as requests, such as checking the account balance with SMS banking, are a paid service. Information about fees you will find in Price list.

With the Push notification feature of the mobile app, receiving information about incoming/outgoing transactions is free of charge (available to private individual). Take a look at How do I enable push notifications for card or account transactions?

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