Protection and processing of Personal data

Who will have access to my personal data?

Within the framework of your personal data processing, access to your personal data will be granted only to the employees authorised by us and our counterparties (whom we attract to provide banking services to you) who need such access to perform their work duties and who process your personal data only for the personal data processing purposes in accordance with the technical and organisational requirements for the processing of personal data specified in the data protection legal enactments as well as in the internal legal enactments of the bank.

Access to your personal data will be granted to Citadele Group companies, our counterparties related to the provision of our products and services, other banks and financial institutions, insurance companies, in the cases specified in law – to the competent state institutions and other specified persons (Financial and Capital Market Commission, Consumer Rights Protection Centre, court, investigative authorities, sworn bailiffs, etc), companies maintaining databases created under the procedure specified by law (Credit Register of the Bank of Latvia, Credit Information Office, etc.).

You may find more detailed information in our Privacy Protection Rules.

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