Investing in funds, shares and bonds

Purchase or sales of financial instruments by phone

You can also submit an order to purchase or sell shares, fund shares and other financial instruments by phone, by calling +371 6701 0555.
Bear in mind that the broker must be able to identify you, so be prepared to state your financial instrument account number or personal code, as well as your name, surname and phone password (which you set when you signed the agreement).

If identification is successful, you will be asked to state the following information:

  • Whether you wish to purchase or sell
  • The security and its details (name, symbol, exchange and other details, if necessary, so that we can select the correct financial instrument);
  • Transaction amount, for example, the number of shares or fund shares (shares and ETFs are traded in whole shares);
  • Order type: market order (completed at the market price when the order is submitted) or limit order (purchase or sell at a set price or higher), which can be set as a day order or as valid for an unlimited amount of time until it has been completed or cancelled.

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