Online bank

How do I check my account balance in the online banking?

You can check your account balance in the online banking. When you log in to the online bank, you can see your account balance on the start page. Bear in mind that you will be shown Balance and Available Balance, which may differ. Your Available Balance is the real amount in your account. Your balance is the total including your available balance and any reserved sums for transactions which have taken place but have not yet been taken from your account.

To see how much you have reserved, click on the account that interests you, and you will see your transactions. You can also go to Accounts and Cards and select the account you want there.

When you click on Reserved Amount, you will see a list of transactions for which the funds have been reserved, but not yet transferred. This means that you have physically made the transaction, but the retailer has not yet submitted an application for the transfer of funds.

If you can not access the Online banking, please take a look in flow Disruptions to access the Online banking.

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