
How to pay with Siri?

To make payments using Siri shortcuts, you just need a couple of steps:

  1. You can use a previously saved template with Siri shortcut, so first of all you need to make a regular payment. 
  2. After a successful payment, you'll be prompted to add that payment to Siri shortcuts.
  3. To call this template with Siri in the future, give it a keyword or phrase, like, “mom”.
  4. When you want to make a payment with this template, activate Siri and say your own key phrase, such as “Hey, Siri, Mom!”
  5. The device will open Citadele mobile app with an open payment. If you haven't yet logged into the app, do it using your authentication method.
  6. If necessary, edit details or sum of the payment.
  7. Confirm payment as usual.
  8. Done!

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