State-guaranteed compensation

Documents Required for Visiting a Bank Branch (for Non-Resident Legal Entities)

  • A passport suitable for entry into Latvia or an identity card issued by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, or an identity card suitable for entry into Latvia for a person authorized to represent the company.
  • A certificate of registration, the charter (current version), and a document confirming the right to represent the legal entity (e.g., a decision appointing a director and/or a notarized power of attorney).
  • A document confirming the active status of the legal entity.

We invite you to send scanned copies of your company's documents to the email address to receive a response regarding the compliance of the documents’ composition, content, and legal form for the application of guaranteed compensation. Please note that this email is not intended for other inquiries of interest to you.

Also, please note that Citadele Bank is not authorized to provide information regarding the presence or absence of any depositor on the list of guaranteed compensation recipients or the amount of such compensation in response to inquiries sent to the above email address. The bank's response will only concern the legal assessment of the submitted documents.

If necessary, the bank will indicate any deficiencies. The bank's comments on the quality of the provided documents do not imply the depositor's rights or eligibility for guaranteed compensation as indicated in the documents.

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