State-guaranteed compensation

What has happened to the contracts for which LKB Life had announced the conclusion of the life insurance contract and the payment of the savings?

Life insurance company CBL Life and bank Citadele have concluded an agreement with the subsidiary company of Latvijas Krājbanka - the liquidated JSC "LKB Life" for the provision of services to existing LKB Life clients.

Part of the life insurance contracts concluded by LKB Life with clients has been taken over by CBL Life; while for those clients with whom LKB Life ended life insurance contracts, according to the instructions provided by LKB Life, Citadele bank paid out the savings amount.

Bank Citadele paid out savings amounts to the clients, according to the personalized list submitted to the bank by LKB Life, which indicated the recipients of the savings amounts and the amounts to be paid out. Financing for these payments was provided by LKB Life.

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