Decision tree

How can we help with mobile app?

Is this the first time you want to connect to Mobile App?

What authorization device are you using to access Mobile App?

Do you know your authorization PIN for MobileSCAN (5 digits)?

Do not receive an SMS with a code

If you do not receive an SMS with a code to connect to the Internet bank:

  1. check your phone settings to see if the bank phone number (29300300) is not in the list of blocked numbers.
  2. if you have changed your phone number (regardless of whether there is a Latvian or foreign number) and have not notified the bank, please contact us by calling to 67010000 and inform us of the new phone number.
  3. Please try to turn on / off the flight mode on your phone, so it will reconnect to the mobile operator's network and the text message may be delivered.

If you changed your phone number and notified the bank by phone within the last 5 days, call the bank if you need a new password, because in this case it is not possible to reset it remotely.

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