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How can we help with payment cards?

How did you received new card?

Select the type of card you ordered

You have received a replacement card

You have received a replacement card, as your previous card was: 

  • stolen; 
  • lost; 
  • left in an ATM; 
  • damaged; 
  • card holder’s name and/or surname was changed; 
  • PIN code forgotten; 
  • suspected fraud; 
  • never received (in branch/ by post) 

-    After receiving your application, your card will be posted within 3 business days to the address shown on the application. 
-    You will receive an envelope with your PIN code 2 days later (for security reasons, this is not sent in the same envelope as your new card). 

Once you receive your card, you must activate it. You should do this in the online bank or mobile app. Read more on how to activate your card at Card Activation.
Remember that you can create a new PIN code in the Citadele app without waiting for your PIN envelope.

If, however, you wish to use the PIN generated by the bank, you will find it in your PIN envelope (see image).


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