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How can we help you with Online Banking?

To find out the best authorisation method for you, please tell us how you became a Citadele customer.

What authorisation tool do you use?

How do I log into the online bank using my Digipass 780 code calculator?

When you go to the online bank, select MobileSCAN/Digipass 780.
To log into the online bank, you must enter your online banking username and your personal code or phone number into the login fields. Then select Continue, and you will be forwarded to the second step.

In the next step, you will be asked to enter a Digipass code. Switch on your device, after which the Digipass 780 “scanning” screen will be open. Place the Digipass 780 near the screen to ensure that the colourful code fits in the square on the Digipass screen. Once the code has been scanned, the Digipass 780 will request a PIN code. Enter your code and press OK.

The Digipass 780 screen will then show information about the authorisation (date, time, your username and unique code), select Continue.

A code will then appear on your screen. Enter this code into the online bank.

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