Decision tree

What insurance are you interested in?

How can we help with vehicle and equipment insurance?

How can we help with special equipment insurance?

What do I do if an insurable incident for specialised equipment occurs?

1. If an incident occurs and you need help, call your insurer or submit a claim through their website:

Insurance company Submit a claim by phone Submit a claim online
AAS BALTA +371 67533375
AAS Baltijas Apdrošināšanas Nams +371 67080440
AAS BTA Baltic Insurance Company +371 26121212
Compensa Vienna Insurance Group ADB Latvijas filiāle +371 67558888
ERGO Insurance SE Latvijas filiāle +371 67081887
ADB Gjensidige Latvijas filiāle  +371  67112222
If P&C Insurance AS +371 67338333

3. If you need help from us, please:

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