Decision tree

What insurance are you interested in?

Has an incident occurred?

What kind of incident has occurred?

Delayed, damaged luggage

What is covered?
- Baggage delay at your destination for longer than 2 hours,
- Loss, theft or damage of your luggage for which the operator is at fault.

Balcia covers
- Essential goods, toiletries, expenses relating to the purchase of climate-suitable clothing, phone charger, sports equipment rental;
- Repairs in the case of damage. If it will not be possible to repair the luggage, the actual value of the luggage, applying 15% depreciation per year starting from the second year.

- Losses already covered by the airline are not covered;
- To apply for compensation, you must contact the airport for a document confirming that your baggage was delayed, damaged or lost.

You must submit the following to Balcia:
- the confirmation document;
- your baggage ticket;
- receipts for the essential items you purchased to replace items in your delayed baggage (if your baggage was delayed) or a photo and the purchase year and price of your damaged baggage.

When an insured event has occurred, call Balcia assistance service phone: +371 6581 8365, e-mail:

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