Decision tree

What insurance are you interested in?

Has an incident occurred?

What kind of incident has occurred?

Medical help during a trip

What is covered?
- Sudden heavy illness;
- Accidents;
- Flare-ups of chronic illness.

Balcia covers
- Medical expenses: doctor’s visits, medicines, urgent operations, transport, urgent dental treatment, pregnancy complications (<32 weeks), technical medical aids;
- Medical evacuation, transport: specialised transport, expenses for the person accompanying the patient (medical personnel or fellow traveller), ticket change if you miss your flight;
- Repatriation: transportation of mortal remains to their country of residence;
- Evacuation of children, if they become unaccompanied;
- Arrival of 1 family member: tickets, hotel and per diem (up to 100 EUR per day).

Important: Always contact Balcia if the insured person is conscious. Balcia will inform you of where to go depending on the patient’s health condition. If you cannot contact Balcia, you should go to a state, rather than private, medical institution where possible. If you are in the USA, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus, Spain or Thailand, be sure to contact Balcia.

You must submit the following to Balcia:
- A doctor’s note confirming diagnosis;
- Invoices and a document confirming that the invoice has been paid.

When an insured event has occurred, call Balcia assistance service phone: +371 6581 8365, e-mail:

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