Decision tree

What insurance are you interested in?

Has an incident occurred?

What kind of incident has occurred?

Third party insurance

To submit a claim for third-party insurance, you must have the third party’s claim.

What is covered?
- Injury done to the health or possessions of a third party as a result of actions or inactions of you or your child.

Balcia covers:
- Emergency medical attention for the third party;
- Repair or replacement of damaged goods;
- Rescue expenses;
- Judicature expenses.

You must submit the following to Balcia:
- The third party’s claim (copy) to cover their losses;
- Confirmation from state law enforcement that the incident took place;
- Eyewitness accounts of the incident, or any other documents confirming the incident.

When an insured event has occurred, call Balcia assistance service phone: +371 6581 8365, e-mail:

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