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How can we help with loans and leasing?

How can we help with mortgage loan?

How do I apply for and receive a mortgage?

To apply for a mortgage, you must submit a loan application. This can be done on our website under Loans and Leasing > Mortgage loan, or in person at a Citadele branch.

What are the steps towards receiving a mortgage?

  1. The customer fills in the application.
  2. The bank prepares a provisional offer.
  3. The customer submits the additional documents we ask for (for example, a property valuation — the list of our approved property appraisers is on our website).
  4. The bank confirms its decision on issuing a loan and any ALTUM guarantee.
  5. The customer signs a loan agreement and other documents at the bank.
  6. The customer signs the necessary documents with a notary and submits them to the land registry.
  7. After the mortgage is registered in the land registry and all necessary documents have been submitted to the bank, the loan is issued.

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