If you receive a "Something went wrong" message while setting up Face ID/Touch ID, please see the details here.
If you do not see Face ID/Touch ID in the Citadele app (More > Settings), there may be several reasons for this:
You are logged in as a legal person
The Citadele app does not currently support Face ID/Touch ID for legal persons.
Face ID/Touch ID has been blocked
This can be easily checked by locking your phone, and next time you unlock it, your iPhone requests a code to unblock Face ID/Touch ID. After entering this code, when you lock and again try to unlock your phone, you should be able to use Face ID/Touch ID.
Face ID/Touch ID has not been activated for the whole device
To activate Face ID/Touch ID in your phone settings, go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode. Here, you will be able to set up/change your device’s code, and set up and block Face ID/Touch ID.
Your device has been jailbroken
Unfortunately, we cannot help you with this. For safety reasons, we block the use of various functions on compromised devices.
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