Decision tree

How would you like to complete the transaction?

What operation would you like to complete?

Purchase or sale of bonds

You can submit an order for the purchase or sale of bonds in the online bank under Investments > New order > Order for the purchase or sale of bonds.

The order must contain the security’s details and transaction terms.
Security details:

  • Issuer: the name of the bond issuer;
  • ISIN code: the security’s unique code;
  • Maturity date;
  • Coupon rate;

Transaction terms:

  • Operation type: purchase or sale;
  • Nominal: transaction amount;
  • Order type: choose from Market or Limit, where:
    • MKT - Market is a market order where the transaction is processed at the market price registered at the exchange at the moment of submitting the order;
    • LMT - Limit is a price-limiting order. You can purchase or sell the security at the price specified or higher (but not lower), if possible and if the market has reached this price.
  • The order’s date of expiry. Bond orders are, by default, Day orders, which are valid for one trading session.

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