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Baltijas finanšu tirgus daļa

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Our benefits

Crafted specifically for people like us - true Champions in everything we do.


Extra vacation days

Four extra vacation days, and one extra vacation day for volunteering, no questions asked. Where do I sign up?


Hybrid work

Sometimes we feel most productive in our pyjamas, and that’s OK!


Flexible hours

Your ideal workday starts at 8:00 or 9:30? Either way you will find what you’re looking for.



We have different physical and mental wellbeing initiatives, and a massage chair in the office, need we say more?



Your growth matters to us – that is why last year our colleagues spent 11 100 hours in different trainings & courses.


Our products

Can you imagine using our C prime payment card completely for free? And it’s just the beginning!

More about the vacancy


Explore the role

  • Sazināties ar bankas klientiem telefoniski un epastā;

  • Piedalīties klientu līgumu gatavošanā;

  • Asistēt produktu vadītājam ar procesiem un procedūrām;

  • Komunicēt ar citām bankas struktūrām, gan klientu apkalpošanas, gan biznesa atbalsta funkcijām;

  • Strādāt ar klientu datubāzēm.

  •  Atalgojums 850 EUR bruto pirms nodokļu nomaksas un pilnas slodzes darbs uz 2 mēnešiem klātienē.


Explore the criteria

  • Pēdējo kursu studenti ekonomikas, biznesa ekonomikas jomā ar interesi par finanšu tirgiem;

  • Excel prasmes (darbs ar datubāzēm, filtrēšana, pivot tabulas, datu analīze);

  • Labas komunikācijas un zvanu - pārdošanas veikšanas prasmes;

  • Brīvas latviešu valodas zināšanas un labas angļu valodas prasmes, jo saziņa notiek ar Baltijas kolēģiem, kā arī darbam ar iekšējām sistēmām.

Does this sound like you?

Apply now and join more than 1300 champions across the Baltics!

Apply until: 02.05.2025

Having some extra thoughts?

Get in touch with one of our Talent Project Managers to ask a question.

Latvija (+371)
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Our recruitment process

We want to make sure you know what to expect during the recruitment. In case you will have any questions or doubts, one of our friendly Talent Project Managers will guide you through.



We usually start the screening process two weeks after the initial job posting. You might not receive any updates during the CV gathering period.


CV screening

We'll contact you regardless of the outcome. If you haven't received an email, it means that we're still screening candidates.



Depending on the role the interview stage will typically consist of 1-2 rounds with different people like the recruiter, hiring manager and sometimes even the team. We often include a technical task as a part of our recruitment process.



We will always share our feedback and decision regarding your recruitment process. If it’s a match, we will do a reference & background check. If all adds up nicely, we will make you an offer, and hope you will join us to create opportunities!


Open application form

We've all been there. If you really want to work here, but couldn't find what you're looking for - leave your CV and one of our helpful Talent Project Managers will get in touch!

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